- Klau
- Posts : 8
Join date : 2012-12-04
Location : Romania
Script for an email address that is already registered in the database
Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:46 pm
I write a script for a "Sing Up" page. I have some difficulties at some point.
I need to verify if the email is already registered in the DB. If the email is registered, the script to insert other email.
I attached the script file to this post. Also there are comments where I have to improve the script to add another email in case that a email is already registered in the DB.
Here is the script:
I write a script for a "Sing Up" page. I have some difficulties at some point.
I need to verify if the email is already registered in the DB. If the email is registered, the script to insert other email.
I attached the script file to this post. Also there are comments where I have to improve the script to add another email in case that a email is already registered in the DB.
Here is the script:
- Code:
/* I want to register to a website using the register(Sign Up) page.
If the email is already registered, I want to build a selenium script which will enter a different email which is not registered in the database. */
package com.example.tests;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class DgennTest extends SeleneseTestCase {
private Selenium selenium;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "http://website_to_test/");
selenium.setSpeed("2000");// to run the script slow
selenium.windowMaximize(); // maximize window
selenium.windowFocus();//focus on window
public void CreateAccount() throws Exception {
selenium.click("link=Sign Up");
selenium.type("name=firstname", "My_FirstName");
selenium.type("name=lastname", "My_LastName");
// Verify email field and check if the email is already registered into database
selenium.type("xpath=//input[@name='email']", "test_email@yahoo.com");// here if the email is already registered in the database, I want to to type other email
selenium.type("xpath=//input[@name='email']", "other_email@yahoo.com"); /* the email which I want to be entered if the above email is already in the database. How can I complete this scenario?
I use an if-else statement but is not working*/
selenium.type("name=password", "test123");
selenium.type("name=confirm", "test123");
assertTrue(selenium.isTextPresent("The provided email address is already registered"));// this is the message that appears on the page when the email is in the database
System.out.println("The email is already registered in the DB");
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
Re: Script for an email address that is already registered in the database
Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:50 pm
I did not quite get if you are facing any issue.
btw you are better off using Selenium WebDriver API as Selenium RC is deprecated
btw you are better off using Selenium WebDriver API as Selenium RC is deprecated
- Sumit05
- Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-04-29
Re: Script for an email address that is already registered in the database
Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:42 am
can you tell me, when entering any existing email id, is it giving sudden message or after clicked on submit then its giving error?
- Sumit05
- Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-04-29
Re: Script for an email address that is already registered in the database
Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:51 am
selenium.type("xpath","1st mailId");
selenium.click("xpath of submit button"); // if your system check the mail id on clicked submit button.other wise, no need of this command, go directly to "if" condition.
if(selenium.isElementPresent("Xpath of error message")){
selenium.type("xpath",2nd mailId");
try this if its working..
I was not implemented this but this was my thinking. let me know if this works. gud luck...
selenium.click("xpath of submit button"); // if your system check the mail id on clicked submit button.other wise, no need of this command, go directly to "if" condition.
if(selenium.isElementPresent("Xpath of error message")){
selenium.type("xpath",2nd mailId");
try this if its working..
I was not implemented this but this was my thinking. let me know if this works. gud luck...
- Klau
- Posts : 8
Join date : 2012-12-04
Location : Romania
Re: Script for an email address that is already registered in the database
Tue May 14, 2013 4:29 pm
Sumit05 wrote:selenium.type("xpath","1st mailId");
selenium.click("xpath of submit button"); // if your system check the mail id on clicked submit button.other wise, no need of this command, go directly to "if" condition.
if(selenium.isElementPresent("Xpath of error message")){
selenium.type("xpath",2nd mailId");
try this if its working..
I was not implemented this but this was my thinking. let me know if this works. gud luck...
Also, in the same way I thought and it's working.Thanks
But now I want to improve the script: What if the second email is also registered? I use below improved code.
Let say that the script will type this email -> selenium.type("id=email", "test_email@gmail.com");
If this is email already registered an error message will be raised in the page, see below
- Code:
// Email verification->Verify if the above email is already registered into database. If this is already in the DB, the script will enter the below email
if(selenium.isTextPresent("The email is already registered.")){
String s[] = {"1", "2", "2012"};
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
selenium.type("id=email", "test_email@gmail.com" +s[i]);
When run the script will add this email in the Email field,but in this format: test_email@gmail.com1 or test_email@gmail.com2...
I want to add email in this format: test_email1@gmail.com or test_email2@gmail.com...
What is missed in code?
I try with this selenium.type("id=email", test_email+s[i]@gmail.com); but is not working, the code have errors. How can improve this?
Thank you!
- vini546Active particpant
- Posts : 10
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Location : Ahmedabad
Re: Script for an email address that is already registered in the database
Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:02 pm
- Code:
if(selenium.isTextPresent("The email is already registered.")){
String s[] = {"1", "2", "2012"};
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
selenium.type("id=email", "test_email@gmail.com" +s[i]);
I checked the above code and It's working perfect.But the mistake u did is in terms of "String Concatination"
I mean in this line
Instead of placing the string value (s[i]) at the end of the line,concatenate it with the string by putting the text string in " " . Please check the below code after modificationselenium.type("id=email", "test_email@gmail.com" +s[i]); wrote:
- Code:
if(selenium.isTextPresent("Email already exists")){
String s[] = {"1", "2", "3","4","5"};
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
selenium.type("xpath=//input[@name='txtEmail']", "id.email1267@gmail" + s[i] +".com");
---------------------------------------------------- HAPPY CODING --------------------------------------------------------------
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