Can I set the GeckoDriver path in selenium programatically when using node?
Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:10 pm
I am trying to avoid using the path variable and would like to execute geckodriver from a local file.
For example I have this (Win64)...
How can I tell mocha to use this bin file I am currently running mocha like this...
Any help here is appreciated.
Siva Prasad
For example I have this (Win64)...
- Code:
- My Project
- bin
- geckodriver.exe
How can I tell mocha to use this bin file I am currently running mocha like this...
- Code:
const {sync: globSync} = require("glob");
(async () => {
await import("./Sanity.spec.mjs");
await import("./site.spec.mjs");
Any help here is appreciated.
Siva Prasad
Re: Can I set the GeckoDriver path in selenium programatically when using node?
Thu Jan 17, 2019 2:15 pm
First of all, you will need to download the latest executable gecko driver from the internet that will use the selenium
Actually, The Selenium client bindings try to locate the gecko driver executable from the system PATH. You will need to add the directory containing the executable to the system path.
On Unix systems you can do the following to append it to your system’s search path if you’re using a bash-compatible shell:
On Windows, you will definitely need to update the Path system variable to add the full directory path to the executable gecko driver manually or command line(don't forget to restart your system after adding executable gecko driver into system PATH to take effect). The formula is the same as on Unix.
Now you can run your code same as you're doing as below
Exception clearly informs that you have installed firefox some other location while Selenium is trying to find firefox and launch from default location but it couldn't find. You need to provide explicitly firefox installed binary location to launch firefox as below
Suresh Prabhu
Actually, The Selenium client bindings try to locate the gecko driver executable from the system PATH. You will need to add the directory containing the executable to the system path.
On Unix systems you can do the following to append it to your system’s search path if you’re using a bash-compatible shell:
- Code:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/directory/of/executable/downloaded/in/previous/step
On Windows, you will definitely need to update the Path system variable to add the full directory path to the executable gecko driver manually or command line(don't forget to restart your system after adding executable gecko driver into system PATH to take effect). The formula is the same as on Unix.
Now you can run your code same as you're doing as below
- Code:
from selenium import webdriver
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Expected browser binary location, but unable to find binary in default location, no 'moz:firefoxOptions.binary' capability provided, and no binary flag set on the command line
Exception clearly informs that you have installed firefox some other location while Selenium is trying to find firefox and launch from default location but it couldn't find. You need to provide explicitly firefox installed binary location to launch firefox as below
- Code:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binary import FirefoxBinary
binary = FirefoxBinary('path/to/installed firefox binary')
browser = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_binary=binary)
Suresh Prabhu
Re: Can I set the GeckoDriver path in selenium programatically when using node?
Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:15 pm
This discussion got me lot of new information .
- Selenium RC "java.lang.RuntimeException: Firefox couldn't be found in the path!" problem
- Unable to run 5 concurrent tests on a single node in Selenium Grid 2
- How to open Command prompt by coding in C# having Selenium Rc server path ?
- Getting main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Cannot find firefox binary in PATH
- I encountered a mistake: Couldn't register this node
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