BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO - verify image property.
Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:42 am
This is the one of problem faced by selenium user, how to verify the image type. Now I am going to provide a solution for that, which is going to work in RC but partially on IDE. I am explaining the verification of google homepage image and its type.
1. First we have to get the value for that image stored in application. for this use this command:
For IDE : storeAttribute | logo@style | VariableName
For RC: String varableName = storeAttribute(logo@style );
2. Now after excecuting this command, The variable contain following value
variableName = background: transparent url(/intl/en_com/images/logo_plain.png) no-repeat scroll 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; height: 110px; width: 276px;
3. Now, we have to write code for find the file type in the string to verify it. This can be done in RC through the help of programming language which Selenium support
4. The logic are as follows:
[*] Find the file type in above string by using some string function which find the word in string. if word find mark status pass otherwise fail.
I hope this will help you little bit. Best of luck.[u]
This is the one of problem faced by selenium user, how to verify the image type. Now I am going to provide a solution for that, which is going to work in RC but partially on IDE. I am explaining the verification of google homepage image and its type.
1. First we have to get the value for that image stored in application. for this use this command:
For IDE : storeAttribute | logo@style | VariableName
For RC: String varableName = storeAttribute(logo@style );
2. Now after excecuting this command, The variable contain following value
variableName = background: transparent url(/intl/en_com/images/logo_plain.png) no-repeat scroll 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; height: 110px; width: 276px;
3. Now, we have to write code for find the file type in the string to verify it. This can be done in RC through the help of programming language which Selenium support
4. The logic are as follows:
[*] Find the file type in above string by using some string function which find the word in string. if word find mark status pass otherwise fail.
I hope this will help you little bit. Best of luck.[u]
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