- sunram_ramActive particpant
- Posts : 16
Join date : 2010-06-25
Selenium RC & Dojo controls.
Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:36 pm
HI All,
I am in need of testing a web application using Selenium RC since I need to work on IE. I am using Eclipse & started my selenium server from command prompt. When I run my test it doesn't report any error(failure trace) but the buttons/control are not clicked(Note these all are Dojo components).
But when I record and rerun the test using Selenium IDE in firefox it is working well.
I am using the same name of the button captured in IDE in my code.... BUt......
Thanks in advance...!
I am in need of testing a web application using Selenium RC since I need to work on IE. I am using Eclipse & started my selenium server from command prompt. When I run my test it doesn't report any error(failure trace) but the buttons/control are not clicked(Note these all are Dojo components).
But when I record and rerun the test using Selenium IDE in firefox it is working well.
I am using the same name of the button captured in IDE in my code.... BUt......
Thanks in advance...!
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