- naralabhaskar
- Posts : 2
Join date : 2015-01-23
How to handle Notifications in Selenium RC
Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:17 pm
Hi ,
Iam using Selenium RC with Java to run my test scripts.
Iam facing the below Issue:
In my Application I need to send an Invitation to another User by entering the email into the text box and clicking on Done Button. After Clicking on Done button the notification icon should display in the UI. I tried with Thread.sleep(),Selenium.refresh(),but Iam not getting notification icon in UI and as well as when i try logging with another user id I am not getting any notification there also.
After that I tried Manually, there Iam able to send and Accept the Invite Successfully.
Please help me how to Proceed further to handle this Issue.
Guru Bhaskar Reddy
Iam using Selenium RC with Java to run my test scripts.
Iam facing the below Issue:
In my Application I need to send an Invitation to another User by entering the email into the text box and clicking on Done Button. After Clicking on Done button the notification icon should display in the UI. I tried with Thread.sleep(),Selenium.refresh(),but Iam not getting notification icon in UI and as well as when i try logging with another user id I am not getting any notification there also.
After that I tried Manually, there Iam able to send and Accept the Invite Successfully.
Please help me how to Proceed further to handle this Issue.
Guru Bhaskar Reddy
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